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Attendance Recovery Plan.docx
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John Taylor Williams Attendance Recovery Plan

The North Carolina Attendance Laws (GS-115C-378) expect every student to be in attendance each school day. High School students who are absent, excused or unexcused, for more than 10 class periods will receive a grade of F for that particular course. Attendance recovery applies to any student that has accumulated over 10 absences.

Students who have more than 10 absences must recover absences. School Counselors and the Attendance Secretary are responsible for notifying students of required attendance recovery. Students will recover time after school for recovery with the Attendance Recovery Coordinator.

Recovery work plans are subject to administrative approval and review.  Teachers can provide input for the scope of work needed for their course. Work could be in the form of a packet, a unit or units assigned on Edgenuity, Beable or a project.

Students may submit an appeal form within 10 days of receiving the Notification Letter if there are extenuating circumstances. Appeals must be submitted to Ms. Melanie as outlined in the appeal form. The decision of the principal is final.